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    Duck DNS Update Script For Mikrotik

    04 Februari 2022, Februari 04, 2022 WIB Last Updated 2024-08-13T11:43:37Z

    Duck DNS Update Script For Mikrotik

    # Duck DNS Update Script for MikroTik RouterOS 5.26 behind NAT#--------------- Change Values in this section to match your setup ------------------:local ducktoken "your-token":local duckdomain "your-domain":local ddnshost "$duckdomain.duckdns.org"#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# No more changes need:local ipddns [:resolve $ddnshost]/tool fetch mode=http address="icanhazip.com" src-path="/" dst-path="/icanhazip.txt":delay 3:local result [/file get icanhazip.txt contents]:local resultLen [:len $result]:local endLoc [:find $result "\n" -1]:local ipfresh [:pick $result 0 $endLoc]:log info "Duck DNS: IP detected from icanhazip.com is $ipfresh":if ($ipddns != $ipfresh) do={    :log info "Duck DNS: Old IP is $ipddns"    :log info "Duck DNS: New IP is $ipfresh"    /tool fetch url="http://www.duckdns.org/update\?domains=$duckdomain&token=$ducktoken&ip=$ipfresh" dst-path=duckdns.txt    :global ipddns $ipfresh    :log info "Duck DNS: IP updated to $ipfresh!"    } else={     :log info "Duck DNS: Current IP is $ipddns"     :log info "Duck DNS: Detected IP is same with current IP, dont need changes"    }}


    source : http://wingloon.com/2014/06/28/duck-dns-update-script-for-mikrotik-routeros-5-26-behind-nat/


